Wednesday, August 28, 1974

Annastaes (Anna) Banitskas

Personal Details
Last seen:Wednesday, 28 August 1974
Year of birth: 1959
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Olive
Gender: Female
Distinguishing Feature:
Circumstances: Anna was 15 years old at the time she disappeared. Anna was last seen when she left her home address for work. She did not attend her workplace and it was found she had taken family photographs from a photo album. Anna’s family are eager to speak with her but would abide by her wishes if she doesn’t want contact with them.

Case Type: Missing
DOB: Unknown
Missing Date: August 28, 1974
Age Now: 48
Missing City: Thomastown
Missing State: Victoria
Missing Coutry: Australia
Case Number: AUCBnmpcc0007

Sex: Female
Race: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown

Circumstances: Anna was 15 years old at the time she disappeared. Anna was last seen when she left her home address for work. She did not attend her workplace and it was found she had taken family photographs from a photo album. Anna’s family are eager to speak with her but would abide by her wishes if she doesn’t want contact with them.

National Missing Persons Coordination Centre
National Missing Persons Coordination Centre 1800 000634